Puppy Pictures
I am sorry for the delay, for the individual pictures, but it has been quite hectic here as you may imagine. Here are the answers to some questions:
1. Harriet is doing exceptionally well.
2. Weight gains are progressing almost uniformly.
3. Umbilical cords are a distant memory!
4. My post about the "Little Angel" - I am sorry if anyone though we had lost a puppy, we did not. Sometimes I feel very attached to a puppy and he made me feel that way, so I expressed it accordingly.
Today is day three, so Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) started today!
Head up, Head down, Lay on back, Place belly down on a cool towel, and finally stimulate between the paw pads with a cotton swab (Q-tip). Each item is performed for five seconds and will continue on a daily basis until day 16.
Yes, I have heard this is believed to be nonsense. I have been told its is quackery, etc. over and over. In my humble opinion, its is important to expose the puppies to as much as possible in a safe manner. We are not training military working dogs, these are household members and best friends, and we do believe it makes them sensitive and more aware of things.
Here are the boys:

Mr. Gold

Mr. Brown

Mr. Aqua
Here are the girls:

Miss Green

Miss Purple

Miss Pink

Miss Yellow

Miss Red

Miss Silver

Miss Orange
Please remember that the puppies have not been evaluated yet, so don't get attached just yet!
Please only make a list of which one you like at this time!